806b.53—Training tools.

Helpful resources include:
(a) The Air Force Freedom of Information Act Web page which includes a Privacy Overview, Privacy Act training slides, the Air Force systems of records notices, and links to the Defense Privacy Board Advisory Opinions, the DoD and Department of Justice Privacy web pages. Go to http://www.foia.af.mil. Click on “Resources.”
(b) “The Privacy Act of 1974,” a 32-minute film developed by the Defense Privacy Office. Contact the Joint Visual Information Activity at DSN 795-6543/7283 or commercial (717) 895-6543/7283, and ask for #504432 “The Privacy Act of 1974.”
(c) A Manager's Overview, What You Need to Know About the Privacy Act. This overview gives you Privacy Act 101 and is available on-line at http://www.foia.af.mil.
(d) Training slides for use by the Major Command and base Privacy Act officers, available from the Freedom of Information Act web page at http://www.foia.af.mil, under “Resources.”

Code of Federal Regulations

Note: Formal school training groups that develop or modify blocks of instruction must send the material to Air Force Chief Information Officer/P for coordination.