806b.2—Basic guidelines.
This part implements the Privacy Act of 1974 1 and applies to records on living U.S. citizens and permanent resident aliens that are retrieved by name or personal identifier. This part also provides guidance on collecting and disseminating personal information in general.
Code of Federal Regulations
Footnote(s): 1 http://www.usdoj.gov/04foia/privstat.htm.
Records that are retrieved by name or personal identifier are subject to Privacy Act requirements and are referred to as Privacy Act systems of records. The Air Force must publish notices in the Federal Register, describing the collection of information for new, changed or deleted systems to inform the public and give them an opportunity to comment before implementing or changing the system. (see appendix B to this part).
Keep records on how a person exercises First Amendment rights. Exceptions are when: The Air Force has the permission of that individual or is authorized by Federal statute; or the information pertains to, and is within the scope of, an authorized law enforcement activity. First Amendment rights include, but are not limited to, freedom of religion, freedom of political beliefs, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, the right to assemble, and the right to petition.
Penalize or harass an individual for exercising rights guaranteed under the Privacy Act. We must reasonably help individuals exercise their rights under the Privacy Act.
Keep paper and electronic records that are retrieved by name or personal identifier only in approved Privacy Act systems published in the Federal Register.
Collect, maintain, and use information in such systems, for purposes described in the published notice, to support programs authorized by law or Executive Order.
Allow individuals to review and receive copies of their own records unless the Secretary of the Air Force approved an exemption for the system; or the Air Force created the records in anticipation of a civil action or proceeding (5 U.S.C. 552a(d)(5) ).
Provide a review of decisions that deny individuals access to or amendment of their records through appellate procedures.