732.25—Accounting classifications for nonnaval medical and dental care expenses.
Approp. | Sub-Head | OBJ.** Class | BCN | SA | AAA | TT | PAA | Cost Code | Purpose |
17*1804 | 188M | 000 | 00018 | M | 000179 | 2D | MDQ000 | 990010000MDQ | Outpatient Care Service Expenses. 1,2 |
17*1804 | 188M | 000 | 00018 | M | 000179 | 2D | MDT000 | 990010000MDT | Outpatient Care Supply Expenses. 1,3 |
17*1804 | 188M | 000 | 00018 | M | 000179 | 2D | MDE000 | 990010000MDE | Ambulance Expenses. 1 |
17*1804 | 188M | 000 | 00018 | M | 000179 | 2D | MDQI00 | 990020000MDQ | Inpatient Care Service Expense. 1,2 |
17*1804 | 188M | 000 | 00018 | M | 000179 | 2D | MDTI00 | 990020000MDT | Inpatient Care Supply Expenses. 1,3 |
17*1804 | 188M | 006 | 00018 | M | 000179 | 3C | MDZI00 | 990020000MDZ | Inpatient Subsistence Collections. 1 |
Code of Federal Regulations
*For the third digit of the appropriation, enter the last digit of the fiscal year current at the time claim is approved for payment. | |||||||||
**Refer to NAVCOMPT Manual par. 027003 for appropriate Expenditure Category Codes when disbursement or collection involves a foreign or U.S. Contractor abroad. | |||||||||
1 Not applicable when care is procured from non-DOD sources for a patient receiving either inpatient or outpatient care at a naval medical facility. In such instances, the expenses incurred are payable from operations and maintenance funds available for support of the naval medical facility. | |||||||||
2 Service expenses include: hospital, emergency room clinic, office fees; physician and dentist professional fees; laboratory, radiology, operating room, anesthesia, physical therapy, and other services provided. | |||||||||
3 Supply expenses include: medications and pharmacy charges; IV solutions; whole blood and blood products; bandages; crutches; prosthetic devices; needles and syringes; and other supplies provided. |