724.305—Functions of the CMC and CNO.
In the case of Navy, CNMPC, under the CNP, shall discharge responsibilities of the CNO.
Provide and facilitate access by the NDRB to service/health records and other data associated with performance of duty of applicants.
Advise the NDRB of developments in personnel management which may have a bearing on discharge review judgments.
Implement the discharge review decisions of the NDRB and those of higher authority within respective areas of cognizance.
Include the record of NDRB proceedings as a permanent part of the service record of the applicant in each case.
Establish administrative procedures to ensure that if a member is separated from the Navy or the Marine Corps under other than fully honorable conditions, the member is advised of:
Provide Navy and Marine Corps units and activities with information on the mission of the Naval Discharge Review Board through entries in appropriate personnel administration directives.