553.13—Standards of construction, maintenance, and operations.

The following standards of the Department of the Army will be observed in the development, operation, maintenance, administration, and support of Army national cemetries and will be considered in relation to budgetary reviews within the Department of the Army:
(a) As permanent national shrines provided by a grateful nation to the honored dead of the Armed Forces of the United States, the standards for construction, maintenance, and operation of Army national cemeteries will be commensurate with the high purpose to which they are dedicated.
(b) Structures and facilities provided for Army cemetaries will be permanent in nature and of a scope, dignity, and aesthetic design suitable to the purpose for which they are intended.
(c) Cemeteries will be beautified by landscaping and by means of special features based on the historical aspects, location, or other factors of major significance.
(d) Accomodations and services provided to the next of kin of the honored dead and to the general public will be of high order.