
(a) This subpart establishes restrictions governing the operation of unauthorized vehicles, motorized and non-motorized, on the army training areas of Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana, as defined in § 552.134 of this subpart. Unauthorized vehicles are restricted to paved roads on the installation of Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana.
(b) These restrictions are established to prevent the interruption of the use of these Army training areas by any person or persons. The continued and uninterrupted use of these training areas by the military is vital in order to maintain and improve the combat readiness of the U.S. Armed Forces. Training conditions exist within these areas which could be dangerous to unauthorized persons entering these areas.
(c) In addition, these restrictions have been established to prevent property damage, threatening of endangered flora and fauna in the areas, and to prevent the harassment of protected species such as the Blue Heron and the Indiana Bat by any person or persons.