507.6—Authority to manufacture.

(a) A certificate of authority to manufacture heraldic articles may be granted by the Institute of Heraldry.
(1) Certificates of authority will be issued only to companies who have manufacturing capability and agree to manufacture heraldic items according to applicable specifications or purchase descriptions.
(2) The certificate of authority is valid only for the individual or corporation indicated.
(3) A hallmark will be assigned to each certified manufacturer. All insignia manufactured will bear the manufacturer's hallmark.
(b) A certificate of authority may be revoked or suspended under the procedures prescribed in subpart D of this part.
(c) Manufacturers will submit a preproduction sample to TIOH of each item they manufacture for certification under the Heraldic Quality Control Program. A letter of certification authorizing manufacture of each specific item will be issued provided the sample meets quality assurance standards.
(d) A copy of the certified manufactures list will be furnished to the Army and Air Force Exchange Service and, upon request, to Army and Air Force commanders.