
For purposes of this part, the following definitions apply:
Extreme community hardship. A situation that, because of a Reservist's mobilization, may have a substantially adverse effect on the health, safety, or welfare of the community. Any request for a determination of such hardship shall be made by the Reservist and must be supported by documentation, as required by the Secretary concerned.
Extreme personal hardship. An adverse impact on a Reservist's dependents resulting from his or her mobilization. Any request for a determination of such hardship shall be made by the Reservist and must be supported by documentation, as required by the Secretary concerned.
Individual Ready Reserve. Within the Ready Reserve of each of the Reserve Components there is an Individual Ready Reserve. The Individual Ready Reserve consists of members of the Ready Reserve who are not in the Selected Reserve or the Inactive National Guard.
Key employee. Any Federal employee occupying a key position.
Key position. A Federal position that shall not be vacated during a national emergency or mobilization without SERIOUSLY impairing the capability of the parent Federal Agency or office to function effectively. The four categories of Federal key positions are set out in this paragraph. The first three categories are, by definition, key positions. However, the third category, Article III Judges, provides for exceptions on a case-by-case basis. The fourth category requires a case-by-case determination and designation as described in the following:
Mobilization. Involuntary call-up of Reserve component members in accordance with 10 U.S.C. 12301, 12302, or 12304. That includes full mobilization, partial mobilization and, selective mobilization (Presidential Reserve Call-Up Authority).
Ready reserve. Reserve unit members or individual Reserve and National Guard members, or both, liable for AD, as provided in 10 U.S.C. 12301, 12302, and, for some members, 10 U.S.C. 12304. It consists of the Selected Reserve, the Individual Ready Reserve, and the Inactive National Guard.
Selected reserve. A category of the Ready Reserve in each of the Reserve components. The Selected Reserve consists of units, and, as designated by the Secretary concerned, of individual Reserve members, trained as prescribed in 10 U.S.C. 10147(a)(1) or 32 U.S.C. 502(a), as appropriate.
Standby reserve. The Standby Reserve consists of those units or members, or both, of the Reserve components, other than those in the Ready Reserve or the Retired Reserve, who are liable for active duty only as provided for in 10 U.S.C. 12301 and 12306. The Standby Reserve consists of personnel who are maintaining their military affiliation without being in the Ready Reserve, but have been designated “key civilian employees,” or have a temporary hardship or disability. Those individuals are not required to perform training and are not part of the Ready Reserve. The Standby Reserve is a pool of trained individuals who may be mobilized as needed to fill manpower needs in specific skills. The Standby Reserve consists of the active status list and the inactive status list categories.