37.660—What else must I specify concerning audits of for-profit participants by IPAs?

If your expenditure-based TIA provides for audits of a for-profit participant by an IPA, you also must specify:

Code of Federal Regulations

Footnote(s): 4 The electronic document may be accessed at www.gao.gov. Printed copies may be purchased from the U.S. Government Printing Office; for ordering information, call (202) 512-1800 or access the Internet site at www.gpo.gov.
(e) The remedy if it later is found that the participant, at the time it entered into the TIA, was performing on a procurement contract or other Federal award subject to the Cost Accounting Standards at 48 CFR part 30 and the cost principles at 48 CFR part 31. Unless the OIG, DoD, approves an exception (see § 37.650(c) ), the TIA's terms must provide that the DCAA will perform the audits for the agreement if it later is found that the participant, at the time the TIA was awarded, was performing under awards described in § 37.650(b) that gave the DCAA audit access to the participant's books and records.