326.9—Procedures for disclosure of requested information.

(a) The PA Coordinator shall acknowledge receipt of the request in writing within ten working days.
(b) Upon receipt of a request, the PA Coordinator shall refer the request to those components most likely to possess responsive records. The components shall search all relevant record systems within their cognizance and shall:
(1) Determine whether a responsive record exists in a system of records.
(2) Determine whether access must be denied and on what legal basis. An individual may be denied access to his records under the Privacy Act only if an exemption has been properly claimed for all or part of the records or information requested; or if the information was compiled in reasonable anticipation of a civil action or proceeding.
(3) Approve the disclosure of records for which they are the originator.
(4) Forward to the PA Coordinator all records approved for release or necessary for coordination with or referral to another originator or interested party as well as notification of the specific determination for any denial.
(c) When all records have been collected, the PA Coordinator shall notify the individual of the determination and shall provide an exact copy of records deemed to be accessible if a copy has been requested.
(d) When an original record is illegible, incomplete, or partially exempt from release, the PA Coordinator shall explain in terms understood by the requester the portions of a record that are unclear.
(e) If access to requested records, or any portion thereof, is denied, the PA Coordinator shall inform the requester in writing of the specific reason(s) for denial, including the specific citation to appropriate sections of the Privacy Act or other statutes, this and other NRO regulations, or the Code of Federal Regulations authorizing denial, and the right to appeal this determination through the NRO appeal procedure within 60 calendar days. The denial shall include the date of denial, the name and title/position of the denial authority, and the address of the NRO Appeal Authority. Access may be refused when the records are exempt by the Privacy Act. Usually an individual will not be denied access to the entire record, but only to those portions to which the denial of access furthers the purpose for which an exemption was claimed.