326.10—Procedures to appeal denial of access to requested record.

(a) Any individual whose request for access is denied may request a review of the initial decision within 60 calendar days of the date of the notification of denial of access by appealing within the NRO internal appeals process. If a requester elects to request NRO review, the request shall be sent in writing to the Privacy Act Coordinator, National Reconnaissance Office, 14675 Lee Road, Chantilly, VA 20151-1715, briefly identifying the particular record which is the subject of the request and setting forth the reasons for the appeal. The request should enclose a copy of the denial correspondence. The following procedures apply to appeals within the NRO:
(1) The PA Coordinator, after acknowledging receipt of the appeal, shall promptly refer the appeal to the record-holding components, informing them of the date of receipt of the appeal and requesting that the component head or his designee review the appeal.
(2) The record-holding components shall review the initial denial of access to the requested records and shall inform the PA Coordinator of their review determination.
(3) The PA Coordinator shall consolidate the component responses, review the record, direct such additional inquiry or investigation as is deemed necessary to make a fair and equitable determination, and make a recommendation to the NRO Appeals Panel, which makes a recommendation to the Appeal Authority.
(4) The Appeal Authority shall notify the PA Coordinator of the result of the determination on the appeal, who shall notify the individual of the determination in writing.
(5) If the determination reverses the initial denial, the PA Coordinator shall provide a copy of the records requested. If the determination upholds the initial denial, the PA Coordinator shall inform the requester of his right to judicial review in U.S. District Court and shall include the exact reasons for denial with specific citations to the provisions of the Privacy Act, other statutes, NRO regulations, or the Code of Federal Regulations upon which the determination is based.
(b) The Appeal Authority shall act on the appeal or provide a notice of extension within 30 working days.