310.21—Conditions of disclosure.

(a) Disclosures to third parties. (1) The Privacy Act only compels disclosure of records from a system of records to the individuals to whom they pertain unless the records are contained in a system for which an exemption to the access provisions of this part has been claimed.
(2) Requests by other individuals (third parties) for the records of individuals that are contained in a system of records shall be processed under 32 CFR part 286 except for requests by the parents of a minor or the legal guardian of an individual for access to the records pertaining to the minor or individual.
(b) Disclosures among the DoD Components. For the purposes of disclosure and disclosure accounting, the Department of Defense is considered a single agency (see § 310.22(a) ).
(c) Disclosures outside the Department of Defense. Do not disclose personal information from a system of records outside the Department of Defense unless:
(1) The record has been requested by the individual to whom it pertains.
(2) The written consent of the individual to whom the record pertains has been obtained for release of the record to the requesting Agency, activity, or individual; or
(3) The release is authorized pursuant to one of the specific non-consensual conditions of disclosure as set forth in § 310.22.
(d) Validation before disclosure. Except for releases made in accordance with 32 CFR part 286, the following steps shall be taken before disclosing any records to any recipient outside the Department of Defense, other than a Federal agency or the individual to whom it pertains:
(1) Ensure the records are accurate, timely, complete, and relevant for agency purposes;
(2) Contact the individual, if reasonably available, to verify the accuracy, timeliness, completeness, and relevancy of the information, if this cannot be determined from the record; or
(3) If the information is not current and the individual is not reasonably available, advise the recipient that the information is believed accurate as of a specific date and any other known factors bearing on its accuracy and relevancy.