
(a) DoD Forms. (1) DoD Instruction 7750.7 8 provides guidance for preparing Privacy Act Statements for use with forms (see also paragraph (b) of this section).

Code of Federal Regulations

Footnote(s): 8 See footnote 1 to § 310.1 .
(2) When forms are used to collect personal information, the Privacy Act Statement shall appear as follows (listed in the order of preference):
(i) In the body of the form, preferably just below the title so that the reader will be advised of the contents of the statement before he or she begins to complete the form;
(ii) On the reverse side of the form with an appropriate annotation under the title giving its location;
(iii) On a tear-off sheet attached to the form; or
(iv) As a separate supplement to the form.
(b) Forms issued by non-DoD activities. (1) Forms subject to the Privacy Act issued by other Federal Agencies must have a Privacy Act Statement. Always ensure the statement prepared by the originating Agency is adequate for the purpose for which the form shall be used by the DoD activity. If the Privacy Act Statement provided is inadequate, the DoD Component concerned shall prepare a new statement or a supplement to the existing statement before using the form.
(2) Forms issued by agencies not subject to the Privacy Act (State, municipal, and other local agencies) do not contain Privacy Act Statements. Before using a form prepared by such agencies to collect personal data subject to this part, an appropriate Privacy Act Statement must be added.