
(a) “(a)(2)” materials. (1) Each DoD Component shall maintain in each facility prescribed in § 286.7(a), an index of materials described in § 286.7(b) that are issued, adopted, or promulgated, after July 4, 1967. No “(a) (2)” materials issued, promulgated, or adopted after July 4, 1967, that are not indexed and either made available or published may be relied upon, used or cited as precedent against any individual unless such individual has actual and-timely notice of the contents of such materials. Such materials issued, promulgated, or adopted before July 4, 1967, need not be indexed, but must be made available upon request if not exempted under this part.
(2) Each DoD Component shall promptly publish quarterly or more frequently, and distribute, by sale or otherwise, copies of each index of “(a)(2)” materials or supplements thereto unless it publishes in the Federal Register an order containing a determination that publication is unnecessary and impracticable. A copy of each index or supplement not published shall be provided to a requester at a cost not to exceed the direct cost of duplication as set forth in subpart F of this part.
(3) Each index of “(a)(2)” materials or supplement thereto shall be arranged topical or by descriptive words rather than by case name or numbering system so that members of the public can readily locate material. Case name and numbering arrangements, however, may also be included for DoD Component convenience.
(4) A general index of FOIA-processed (a)(2) records referred to in § 286.7(b)(4), shall be made available to the public, both in hard copy and electronically by December 31, 1999.
(b) Other materials. (1) Any available index of DoD Component material published in the Federal Register, such as material required to be published by Section 552(a)(1) of the FOIA, shall be made available in DoD Component FOIA reading rooms, and electronically to the public.
(2) Although not required to be made available in response to FOIA requests or made available in FOIA Reading Rooms, “(a)(1)” materials shall, when feasible, be made available to the public in FOIA reading rooms for inspection and copying, and by electronic means. Examples of “(a)(1)” materials are: descriptions of any agency's central and field organization, and to the extent they affect the public, rules of procedures, descriptions of forms available, instruction as to the scope and contents of papers, reports, or examinations, and any amendment, revision, or report of the aforementioned.