The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs, consistent with DoD Directive 5122.5, 10 shall:
Code of Federal Regulations
Footnote(s): 10 See footnote 1 to § 247.1 .
Develop policies and provide guidance on the administration of the DoD Internal Information Program.
Monitor and evaluate overall mission effectiveness within the Department of Defense for matters under this part.
Develop and oversee the implementation of policies and procedures pertaining to the management, content, and publication of DoD publications encompassed by this part.
Serve as DoD point of contact with the Joint Committee on Printing, Congress of the United States, for matters under this part.
Provide guidance to the Combatant Commands, Military Departments, and other DoD Components pertaining to DoD publications.
Monitor effectiveness of business and financial operations of DoD publications and provide business counsel and assistance, as appropriate.
Sponsor a DoD Interservice Newspaper Committee and a Flagship Magazine Committee composed of representatives of the Military Departments to coordinate matters on publications encompassed by this part and flagship magazine matters, respectively.
Provide a press service for joint-Service news and information for use by authorized DoD publication editors.
Encourage the use of CE publications when they are the most cost-effective means of fulfilling the command communication requirement.
Ensure that adequate resources are available to support authorized internal information products under this part.
Designate a member of their public affairs staff to serve on the DoD Interservice Newspaper Committee.
Publish Combatant Command newspapers, if authorized. In discharging this responsibility, the Commander shall ensure that policy, direction, resources, and administrative support are provided, as required, to produce a professional quality newspaper to support the command mission.
Ensure that the newspaper is prepared to support U.S. forces in the command area during contingencies and armed conflict.