
(a) The purpose of this part is to implement section 1110 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010 (Pub. L. 111-84), which authorizes DoD to implement a Pilot Program for the Temporary Exchange of Information Technology (IT) Personnel. This statute authorizes the temporary assignment of IT employees between DoD and private sector organizations. This statute also gives DoD the authority to accept private sector IT employees assigned under the Pilot. This Pilot is referred to as the Information Technology Exchange Program (ITEP).
(b) Heads of DoD Components may approve assignments as a mechanism for improving the DoD workforce's competency in using IT to deliver government information and services. Heads of DoD Components may not make assignments under this part to circumvent personnel ceilings, or as a substitute for other more appropriate personnel decisions or actions. Approved assignments must meet the strategic program goals of the DoD Components. The benefits to the DoD Components and the private sector organizations are the primary considerations in initiating assignments; not the desires or personal needs of an individual employee.