169a.13—CAs involving forty-five or fewer DoD civilian employees.
When adequately justified under the criteria required in Appendix C to this part, CAs involving 11 to 45 DoD civilian employees may be competed based on simplified cost comparison procedures and 10 or fewer DoD civilian employees may be directly converted to contract without the use of a simplified cost comparison. Such conversion shall be approved by the DoD Component's central point of contact office having the responsibility for implementation of this part. Part IV of the Supplement to OMB Circular A-76 and Appendix C to this part shall be utilized to define the specific elements of costs to be estimated in the simplified cost comparison.
In no case shall any CA involving more than forty-five employees be modified, reorganized, divided, or in any way changed for the purpose of circumventing the requirement to perform a full cost comparison.
The decision to perform a simplified cost comparison on a CA involving military personnel and 11 to 45 DoD Civilian employees reflects a management decision that the work need not be performed in-house. Therefore, all direct military personnel costs will be estimated in the simplified cost comparison (see Appendix C to this part) on the basis of civilian performance.
A most efficient and cost-effective organization analysis certification is required for studies involving 11 to 45 DoD civilian employees (see Appendix C to this part).