592.301—Controlled through the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme.

(a) Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (b) of this section, the term controlled through the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme refers to the following requirements that apply, as appropriate, to the importation into the United States from a Participant, or to the exportation from the United States to a Participant, of any shipment including any rough diamond:
(1) Kimberley Process Certificate. A shipment of rough diamonds imported into, or exported from, the United States must be accompanied by an original Kimberley Process Certificate. The certificate must be presented in connection with an importation or exportation of rough diamonds if demanded by United States customs officials. Pursuant to 31 CFR §§ 501.601 and 501.602, the person identified as the ultimate consignee (see Customs Directive 3550-079A) on the Customs Form 7501 Entry Summary or its electronic equivalent filed with U.S. Customs and Border Protection in connection with an importation of rough diamonds must retain the original Kimberley Process Certificate for a period of at least five years from the date of importation and must make such certificate available for examination upon demand.
(2) Tamper-resistant container. A shipment of rough diamonds imported into, or exported, from the United States must be sealed in a tamper-resistant container;
(3) Notification requirements for importations into the United States. The person identified as the ultimate consignee (see Customs Directive 3550- 079A) on the Customs Form 7501 Entry Summary or its electronic equivalent filed with U.S. Customs and Border Protection in connection with an importation of rough diamonds must report that person's receipt of a shipment of rough diamonds to the relevant foreign exporting authority within 15 calendar days of the date that the shipment arrived at the U.S. port of entry. The report must refer to the relevant Kimberley Process Certificate by its unique identifying number; specify the number of parcels in the shipment; specify the total carat weight of the shipment; and identify the importer and exporter of the shipment. The report need not be in any particular form and may be submitted electronically or by mail or courier; and
(4) Validation of Kimberley Process Certificate for exportations from the United States. With respect to the exportation of rough diamonds from the United States and regardless of the destination, the U.S. Census Bureau requires the filing of export information through the Automated Export System. Submission of export information through the Automated Export System must be done in advance and must be confirmed by the return of an Internal Transaction Number. The return to the filer of the Internal Transaction Number shall constitute the validation of the Kimberley Process Certificate for an exportation of rough diamonds from the United States to a Participant. The exporter is required to report the Internal Transaction Number on the Kimberley Process Certificate accompanying any exportation from the United States. The Internal Transaction Number is a unique confirmation number generated by the Automated Export System to the filer who provides in a timely manner the complete commodity shipment data when such data have been accepted by the system.
(b) The Secretary of State, consistent with section 3(2 )(B) of the Clean Diamond Trade Act (Pub. L. 108-19), may modify the requirements set forth in paragraph (a) of this section upon making a determination that a Participant has established an alternative system of control for rough diamonds that meets substantially the standards, practices, and procedures of the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme.

Code of Federal Regulations

Note 1 to § 592.301 . The Secretary of State will periodically publish in the Federal Register an up-to-date listing of all Participants and their importing and exporting authorities. Where appropriate, such listing also will describe any modification of the requirements set forth in paragraph (a) of this section.

Code of Federal Regulations

Note 2 to § 592.301 . Pursuant to 31 CFR §§ 501.601 and 501.602 , the recordkeeping and reporting requirements imposed by § 592.501 apply to all U.S. persons engaged in the importation into, or exportation from, the United States of any shipment of rough diamonds.

Code of Federal Regulations

Note 3 to § 592.301 . Effective November 1, 2004, customs brokers, importers, and filers making entry of a shipment of rough diamonds must either submit through U.S. Customs' Automated Broker Interface (ABI) system the unique identifying number of the Kimberley Process Certificate accompanying the shipment or, for non-ABI entries, indicate the certificate number on the Customs Form 7501 Entry Summary at each entry line.

Code of Federal Regulations

Note 4 to § 592.301 . As of May 21, 2008, any diamond, regardless of value, that is described in subheadings 7102.10, 7102.21 or 7102.31, Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States and is imported into the United States shall not be released from the custody of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) except by a formal entry for consumption, as defined in § 141.0a(f) of the CBP regulations. See 19 CFR 141.0a(f) .

Code of Federal Regulations

[69 FR 56938, Sept. 23, 2004, as amended at 73 FR 29433, May 21, 2008]