560.513—Importation of Iranian-origin oil.

(a) Specific licenses will be issued on a case-by-case basis to permit the importation of Iranian-origin oil in connection with the resolution or settlement of cases before the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal in The Hague, established pursuant to the Declaration of the Government of the Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria Concerning the Settlement of Claims by the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran of January 19, 1981, or where the proceeds are otherwise to be deposited in the Tribunal's Security Account.
(b) License applications submitted pursuant to this section must contain the importer's certification that the oil is of Iranian origin with all relevant supporting documentation, including specification of the production site at which the oil was extracted, and that the sale or transfer of the oil is by or for the account of the Government of Iran. Licenses will not be issued for importations of Iranian-origin oil which is not sold or transferred by or for the account of the Government of Iran. In cases where the oil is being imported either in whole or in part in resolution or settlement of a case pending before the Tribunal, applicants are required to identify the case and submit a copy of the settlement agreement and the Award on Agreed Terms issued by the Tribunal. In cases where any proceeds are generated for the account of the Government of Iran from the importation of Iranian-origin oil, the importer must demonstrate that irrevocable arrangements are in place that will ensure that the proceeds will be deposited in the Tribunal's Security Account.