360.6—Authorized forms of registration.
Subject to any limitations or restrictions contained in these regulations on the right of any person to be named as owner, coowner, or beneficiary, bonds should be registered as indicated in this section. A savings bond registered in a form not substantially in agreement with one of the forms authorized by this subpart is not considered validly issued.
(a) Natural persons.
A bond may be registered in the names of individuals in their own right, but only in one of the forms authorized by this paragraph (a).
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(2) Coownership form.
A bond may be registered in the names of two individuals in the alternative as coowners. The form of registration “A and B” is not authorized.
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(3) Beneficiary form.
A bond may be registered in the name of one individual payable on death to another. “Payable on death to” may be abbreviated to “P.O.D.”.
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(b) Fiduciaries (including legal guardians, trustees, and similar representatives)—
(1) General.
A bond may be registered in the name of any person or persons or any organization acting as fiduciary of a single fiduciary estate, but not where the fiduciary will hold the bond merely or principally as security for the performance of a duty, obligation, or service. A bond's registration should conform to a form authorized by this paragraph. A common trust fund established and maintained by a financial institution authorized to act as a fiduciary will be considered a single fiduciary estate within the meaning of the regulations in this part.
(2) Legal guardians, conservators, similar representatives, certain custodians, etc.
A bond may be registered in the name and fiduciary capacity of the legally appointed or authorized representative of the estate of a minor, incompetent, aged or infirm person, absentee, et al., or of a personal or testamentary trust.
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(3) Employee thrift, savings, vacation and similar plans.
Bonds may be registered in the name and title, or title alone, of the trustee of an eligible employee thrift, savings, vacation, 401(k) or similar plan, as defined in § 360.13. If the instrument creating the trust provides that the trustees shall serve for a limited term, their names may be omitted.
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(c) The United States Treasury.
A person who desires to have a bond become the property of the United States upon his or her death may designate the United States Treasury as beneficiary.