223.19—Informal hearing on agency complaints.

(a) Request for informal hearing. If a company determines that the opportunity to make known its views, as provided for under § 223.18(b), is inadequate, it may, within 20 business days of the date of the notice required by § 223.18(b), request, in writing, that the Secretary of the Treasury convene an informal hearing.
(b) Purpose. As soon as possible after a written request for an informal hearing is received, the Secretary of the Treasury shall convene an informal hearing, at such time and place as he deems appropriate, for the purpose of determining whether revocation of the company's certificate of authority is justified.
(c) Notice. The company shall be advised, in writing, of the time and place of the informal hearing and shall be directed to bring all documents, records and other information as it may find necessary and relevant to substantiate its refusal to settle the claims made against it by the Federal agency making the report under § 223.18(a).
(d) Conduct of hearings. The hearing shall be conducted by a hearing officer appointed by the Secretary. The company may be represented by counsel and shall have a fair opportunity to present any relevant material and to examine the agency's evidence. Formal rules of evidence will not apply at the informal hearing.
(e) Report. Within 30 days after the informal hearing, the hearing officer shall make a written report to the Secretary setting forth his findings, the basis for his findings, and his recommendations. A copy of the report shall be sent to the company.

Code of Federal Regulations

[38 FR 22779, Aug. 24, 1973]