210.3—Governing law.

(a) Federal law. The rights and obligations of the United States and the Federal Reserve Banks with respect to all Government entries, and the rights of any person or recipient against the United States and the Federal Reserve Banks in connection with any Government entry, are governed by this part, which has the force and effect of Federal law.
(b) Incorporation by reference—applicable ACH Rules. (1) This part incorporates by reference the applicable ACH Rules, including rule changes with an effective date on or before September 21, 2007, as published in Parts II, III, and VI of the “2007 ACH Rules: A Complete Guide to Rules & Regulations Governing the ACH Network.” The Director of the Federal Register approves this incorporation by reference in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Copies of the “2007 ACH Rules” are available from NACHA—The Electronic Payments Association, 13450 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 100, Herndon, Virginia 20171, http://www.nacha.org. Copies also are available for public inspection at the Financial Management Service, 401 14th Street, SW., Room 400A, Washington, DC 20227, (202) 874-1251, or at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202-741-6030, or go to: http://www.archives.gov/federal_register/code_of_federal_regulations/ibr_locations.html.
(2) Any amendment to the applicable ACH Rules that is approved by NACHA—The Electronic Payments Association after January 1, 2007 shall not apply to Government entries unless the Service expressly accepts such amendment by obtaining approval of the amended incorporation by reference from the Director of the Federal Register and publishing an amendment to this part in the Federal Register. An amendment to the ACH Rules that is accepted by the Service and approved by the Director of the Federal Register for incorporation by reference shall apply to Government entries on the effective date specified by the Service in the Federal Register rulemaking expressly accepting such amendment.
(c) Application of this part. Any person or entity that originates or receives a Government entry agrees to be bound by this part and to comply with all instructions and procedures issued by the Service under this part, including the Treasury Financial Manual and the Green Book. The Treasury Financial Manual is available for downloading at the Service's web site at http://www.fms.treas.gov/ or by calling (202) 874-9940 or writing the Directives Management Branch, Financial Management Service, Department of the Treasury, 3700 East West Highway, Room 500C, Hyattsville, MD 20782. The Green Book is available for downloading at the Service's web site at http://www.fms.treas.gov/fmsnews.html or by calling (202) 874-6540 or writing the Product Promotion Division, Financial Management Service, Department of the Treasury, 401 14th Street, SW., Room 309, Washington, DC 20227.

Code of Federal Regulations

[64 FR 17478, Apr. 9, 1999, as amended at 65 FR 18869, Apr. 7, 2000; 66 FR 10580, Feb. 16, 2001; 67 FR 17903, Apr. 11, 2002; 68 FR 33830, June 5, 2003; 69 FR 18803, Apr. 9, 2004; 70 FR 67367, Nov. 7, 2005; 73 FR 52584, Sept. 10, 2008]