90.104—Waiver of rights; re-exercise of option.

(a) A Part 90 miner may waive his or her rights and be removed from MSHA's active list of miners who have rights under Part 90 by:
(1) Giving written notification to the Chief, Division of Health, Coal Mine Safety and Health, MSHA, that the miner waives all rights under this part;
(2) Applying for and accepting a position in an area of a mine which the miner knows has an average respirable dust concentration exceeding 1.0 milligrams per cubic meter of air or the respirable dust standard established by § 90.101 (Respirable dust standard when quartz is present); or
(3) Refusing to accept another position offered by the operator at the same coal mine that meets the requirements of §§ 90.100, 90.101 and 90.102(a) after dust sampling shows that the average respirable dust concentration in his or her present position exceeds 1.0 milligrams per cubic meter of air or the respirable dust standard established by § 90.101 (Respirable dust standard when quartz is present).
(b) If rights under Part 90 are waived, the miner gives up all rights under Part 90 until the miner re-exercises the option in accordance with § 90.3(e) ( Part 90 option; notice of eligibility; exercise of option).
(c) If rights under Part 90 are waived, the miner may re-exercise the option under this part in accordance with § 90.3(e) ( Part 90 option; notice of eligibility; exercise of option) at any time.