885.16—After OSM approves my grant, what responsibilities do I have?

(a) When we award your grant, we send you a written grant agreement stating the terms of the grant.
(b) After you are awarded a grant, you may assign functions and funds to other Federal, State, or local organizations. However, we will hold you responsible for the overall administration of that grant, including the proper use of funds and reporting.
(c) The grant award constitutes an obligation of Federal funds. You accept the grant and its conditions once you initiate work under the agreement or draw down awarded funds.
(d) Although we have approved the grant agreement, you must ensure that any applicable laws, clearances, permits, or requirements are met before you expend funds for projects other than coal reclamation under part 874.
(e) If you conduct a coal reclamation project under part 874 of this chapter, you must not expend any funds until we have ensured that all necessary actions have been taken by you and us to ensure compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) and any other applicable laws, clearances, permits or requirements.
(f) To the extent technologically and economically feasible, you must use fuel other than petroleum or natural gas for all public facilities that are planned, constructed, or modified in whole or in part with Title IV grant funds.
(g) You must not expend more funds than we have awarded. Our award of any grant does not commit or obligate the United States to award any continuation grant or to enter into any grant revision, including grant increases to cover cost overruns.