57.22223—Crosscuts before abandonment (III mines).

A means of ventilating faces shall be provided before workings are abandoned in unsealed areas, unless crosscuts are provided within 30 feet of the face.
(a) The mine atmosphere shall be tested for methane at least once every seven days by a competent person or an atmospheric monitoring system, or a combination of the two. Such testing shall be done at the following locations:
(1) Active mining faces and benches;
(2) Main returns;
(3) Returns from idle workings;
(4) Returns from abandoned workings; and
(5) Seals.
(b) Where such examinations disclose hazardous conditions, affected persons shall be informed and corrective action shall be taken.
(c) Certification of examinations shall be made by signature and date. Certifications shall be kept for at least one year and made available to authorized representatives of the Secretary.

Code of Federal Regulations

[52 FR, 24941, July 1, 1987, as amended at 52 FR 41397, Oct. 27, 1987; 60 FR 33723, June 29, 1995]
If methane reaches 0.25 percent in the mine atmosphere, changes shall be made to improve ventilation, and MSHA shall be notified immediately.
If methane reaches 0.5 percent in the mine atmosphere, ventilation changes shall be made to reduce the level of methane. Until methane is reduced to less than 0.5 percent, electrical power shall be deenergized in affected areas, except power to monitoring equipment determined by MSHA to be intrinsically safe under 30 CFR part 18. Diesel equipment shall be shut off or immediately removed from the area and no other work shall be permitted in affected areas.

Code of Federal Regulations

[52 FR 24941, July 1, 1987; 52 FR 27903, July 24, 1987]
If methane reaches 0.5 percent in the mine atmosphere, ventilation changes shall be made to reduce the level of methane. Until methane is reduced to less than 0.5 percent, no other work shall be permitted in affected areas.

Code of Federal Regulations

[52 FR 24941, July 1, 1987; 52 FR 27903, July 24, 1987]
(a) If methane reaches 1.0 percent in the mine atmosphere, ventilation changes shall be made to reduce the methane. Until such changes are achieved—
(1) All persons other than competent persons necessary to make the ventilation changes shall be withdrawn from affected areas;
(2) Electrical power shall be deenergized in affected areas, except power to monitoring equipment determined by MSHA to be intrinsically safe under 30 CFR part 18; and
(3) Diesel equipment shall be shut off or immediately removed from the area.
(b) If methane reaches 1.0 percent at a main exhaust fan, electrical power underground shall be deenergized, except power to monitoring equipment determined by MSHA to be intrinsically safe under 30 CFR part 18, and all persons shall be withdrawn from the mine.
(c) If methane reaches 1.0 percent at a work place and there has been a failure of the main ventilation system, all persons shall be withdrawn from the mine.

Code of Federal Regulations

[52 FR, 24941, July 1, 1987, as amended at 53 FR 9615, Mar. 24, 1988]
(a) If methane reaches 1.0 percent in the mine atmoshpere, all persons other than competent persons necessary to make ventilation changes shall be withdrawn from affected areas until methane is reduced to less than 0.5 percent.
(b) If methane reaches 1.0 percent at a work place and there has been a failure of the main ventilation system, all persons shall be withdrawn from the mine.
If methane reaches 1.0 percent in the mine atmosphere, all persons other than competent persons necessary to make ventilation changes shall be withdrawn from affected areas until methane is reduced to less than 0.5 percent.
If methane reaches 2.0 percent in bleeder systems at the point where a bleeder split enters a main return split, mining shall not be permitted on ventilation splits affected by the bleeder system. If methane has not been reduced to less than 2.0 percent within 30 minutes, or if methane levels reach 2.5 percent, all persons other than competent persons necessary to take corrective action shall be withdrawn from affected areas.
If methane reaches 2.0 percent in the mine atmosphere, all persons other than competent persons necessary to make ventilation changes shall be withdrawn from the mine until methane is reduced to less than 0.5 percent.
If methane reaches 2.0 percent in the mine atmosphere, all persons other than competent persons necessary to make ventilation changes shall be withdrawn from the mine until methane is reduced to less than 0.5 percent. MSHA shall be notified immediately.

Code of Federal Regulations

[52 FR, 24941, July 1, 1987, as amended at 52 FR 41397, Oct. 27, 1987; 60 FR 33723, June 29, 1995]