256.23—Information on areas.

(a) The Director may receive and consider indications of interest in areas for mineral leasing.
(b) In accordance with an approved program and schedule for the leasing of OCS lands which may contain oil and gas, the Director shall issue Calls for Information and Nominations on areas for leasing of such minerals in specified areas. The Call for Information and Nominations shall be published in the Federal Register and may be published in other publications as desirable. Information on areas shall be addressed to the appropriate regional Minerals Manager of the Minerals Management Service with a copy to any other office which may be specified in the Call. The Director shall also request comments on areas which should receive special concern and analysis. For an oil and gas lease sale Call Area, the Director may request comments concerning geological conditions, including bottom hazards; archaeological sites on the seabed or nearshore; multiple uses of the proposed leasing area, including navigation, recreation, and fisheries; and other socioeconomic, biological, and environmental information.

Code of Federal Regulations

[47 FR 25970, June 16, 1982. Redesignated at 47 FR 47006, Oct. 22, 1982 and amended at 51 FR 21345, June 12, 1986; 59 FR 53094, Oct. 21, 1994]