253.42—How can I amend my list of COFs?

(a) If you want to add a COF that is not identified in your current OSFR demonstration, you must submit to MMS a completed Form MMS-1022. If applicable, you also must submit any additional indemnities, surety bonds, insurance certificates, or other instruments required to extend the coverage of your original OSFR demonstration to the COFs to be added. You do not need to resubmit previously accepted audited annual financial statements for the current fiscal year.
(b) If you want to drop a COF identified in your current OSFR demonstration, you must submit to MMS a completed Form MMS-1022. You must continue to demonstrate OSFR for the COF until MMS approves OSFR evidence for the COF from another designated applicant, or OSFR is no longer required (e.g., until a well that is a COF is properly plugged and abandoned).