250.297—What information must a CID contain?
You must base the CID on wells drilled before your CID submittal, that define the extent of the reservoirs. You must notify MMS of any well that is drilled to total depth during the CID evaluation period and you may be required to update your CID.
You must include all of the following information if available. Information must be provided for each hydrocarbon-bearing reservoir that is penetrated by a well that would meet the producibility requirements of § 250.115 or § 250.116 :
Summary spreadsheets of well log data and reservoir parameters (i.e., sand tops and bases, fluid contacts, net pay, porosity, water saturations, pressures, formation volume factor);
Appropriate well logs, including digital well log (i.e., gamma ray, resistivity, neutron, density, sonic, caliper curves) curves in an acceptable digital format;
Structure maps, with the existing and proposed penetration points and subsea depths for all wells penetrating the reservoirs, fluid contacts (or the lowest or highest known levels in the absence of actual contacts), reservoir boundaries, and the scale of the map;
Interpreted structural cross sections and corresponding interpreted seismic lines or block diagrams, as necessary, that include all current wellbores and planned wellbores on the leases or units to be developed, the reservoir boundaries, fluid contacts, depth scale, stratigraphic positions, and relative biostratigraphic ages;
Isopach maps of each reservoir showing the net feet of pay for each well within the reservoir identified at the penetration point, along with the well name, labeled contours, and scale;
Estimates of original oil and gas in-place and anticipated recoverable oil and gas reserves, all reservoir parameters, and risk factors and assumptions;
Plat map at the same scale as the structure maps with existing and proposed well paths, as well as existing and proposed penetrations;
Proposed wellbore utility chart showing all existing and proposed wells, with proposed completion intervals indicated for each borehole;
Description of the enhanced recovery practices you will use or, if you do not plan to use such practices, an explanation of the methods you considered and reasons you do not intend to use them;
Economic justification, including costs, recoverable reserve estimate, production profiles, and pricing assumptions; and
Any other appropriate data you used in performing your reservoir evaluations and preparing your reservoir development strategies.