250.1203—Gas measurement.
(a) To which meters do MMS requirements for gas measurement apply?
MMS requirements for gas measurements apply to all OCS gas royalty and allocation meters.
Submit a written application to, and obtain approval from, the Regional Supervisor before commencing gas production, or making any changes to the previously-approved measurement and/or allocation procedures. Your application (which may also include any relevant liquid hydrocarbon measurement and surface commingling requests) must be accompanied by payment of the service fee listed in § 250.125. The service fees are divided into two levels based on complexity, see table in § 250.1202(a)(1).
Design, install, use, maintain, and test measurement equipment to ensure accurate and verifiable measurement. You must follow the recommendations in API MPMS as incorporated by reference in 30 CFR 250.198.
Ensure that the measurement components demonstrate consistent levels of accuracy throughout the system.
Equip the meter with a chart or electronic data recorder. If an electronic data recorder is used, you must follow the recommendations in API MPMS as referenced in 30 CFR 250.198.
Take proportional-to-flow or spot samples upstream or downstream of the meter at least once every 6 months.
Ensure that standard conditions for reporting gross heating value (Btu) are at a base temperature of 60 °F and at a base pressure of 14.73 psia and reflect the same degree of water saturation as in the gas volume.
When requested by the Regional Supervisor, submit copies of gas volume statements for each requested gas meter. Show whether gas volumes and gross Btu heating values are reported at saturated or unsaturated conditions; and
When requested by the Regional Supervisor, provide volume and quality statements on dispositions other than those on the gas volume statement.
Verify/calibrate operating meters monthly, but do not exceed 42 days between verifications/calibrations. When a force majeure event precludes the required monthly meter verification/calibration, meters must be verified/calibrated within 15 days after being returned to service. The meters must be verified/calibrated monthly thereafter, but do not exceed 42 days between meter verifications/calibrations;
Conduct calibrations as close as possible to the average hourly rate of flow since the last calibration;
Retain calibration reports at the field location for 2 years, and send the reports to the Regional Supervisor upon request; and
(d) What must I do if a gas meter is out of calibration or malfunctioning?
If a gas meter is out of calibration or malfunctioning, you must:
If the readings are greater than the contractual tolerances, adjust the meter to function properly or remove it from service and replace it.
If the duration of the error can be determined, calculate the volume adjustment for that period.
If the duration of the error cannot be determined, apply the volume adjustment to one-half of the time elapsed since the last calibration or 21 days, whichever is less.
(e) What are the requirements when natural gas from a Federal lease on the OCS is transferred to a gas plant before royalty determination?
If natural gas from a Federal lease on the OCS is transferred to a gas plant before royalty determination:
Gross heating values of the inlet and residue streams when not reported on the gas plant statement.
You must permit MMS to inspect the measurement and sampling equipment of natural gas processing plants that process Federal production.
(f) What are the requirements for measuring gas lost or used on a lease?
You must either measure or estimate the volume of gas lost or used on a lease.
If you measure the volume, document the measurement equipment used and include the volume measured.
If you estimate the volume, document the estimating method, the data used, and the volumes estimated.
You must keep the documentation, including the volume data, easily obtainable for inspection at the field location for at least 2 years, and must retain the documentation at a location of your choosing for at least 7 years after the documentation is generated, subject to all other document retention and production requirements in 30 U.S.C. 1713 and 30 CFR part 212.