219.410—What does this subpart contain?
The Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act of 2006 (GOMESA) directs the Secretary of the Interior to disburse a portion of the rentals, royalties, bonus, and other sums derived from certain Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) leases in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) to the States of Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas (collectively identified as the Gulf producing States); to eligible coastal political subdivisions within those States; and to the Land and Water Conservation Fund. Shared GOMESA revenues are reserved for the following purposes:
Projects and activities for the purposes of coastal protection, including conservation, coastal restoration, hurricane protection, and infrastructure directly affected by coastal wetland losses.
Implementation of a federally-approved marine, coastal, or comprehensive conservation management plan.
Mitigation of the impact of OCS activities through the funding of onshore infrastructure projects.
This subpart sets forth the formula and methodology MMS will use to determine the amount of revenues to be disbursed and the amount to be allocated to each Gulf producing State and each eligible coastal political subdivision. For questions related to the revenue sharing provisions in this subpart, please contact: Chief, Financial Management, Minerals Revenue Management; P.O. Box 25165; Denver Federal Center, Building 85; MS-350B1; Denver, CO 80225-0165, or at (303) 231-3429.