1220.013—Unallowable costs.
The following costs shall not be charged as direct or joint costs to NPSL operations:
Depreciation, depletion, amortization, or any other charge for capital recovery for materiel charged to the NPSL capital account under § 1220.011(c), except as explicitly provided by the allowance for capital recovery calculated according to § 1220.020 ;
Settlement of claims or other litigation resulting from the lessee's violation of regulatory requirements or negligence; and
The cost of the lessee's legal staff or expense of outside attorneys, except as explicitly allowed under § 1220.011(f) ;
Any relocation cost in connection with an employee move that is for the primary benefit of the lessee's non-NPSL operations;
The cost of acquiring or constructing shore base facilities and real property improvements that are charged to NPSL operations on a rental basis under § 1220.011(g) ;
Rentals on any facilities, the investment costs of which have been charged either directly or as allocable joint costs, to the NPSL capital account; and