1206.50—What is the purpose of this subpart?

(a) This subpart applies to all oil produced from Indian (tribal and allotted) oil and gas leases (except leases on the Osage Indian Reservation, Osage County, Oklahoma). This subpart does not apply to Federal leases, including Federal leases for which revenues are shared with Alaska Native Corporations. This subpart:
(1) Establishes the value of production for royalty purposes consistent with the Indian mineral leasing laws, other applicable laws, and lease terms;
(2) Explains how you as a lessee must calculate the value of production for royalty purposes consistent with applicable statutes and lease terms; and
(3) Is intended to ensure that the United States discharges its trust responsibilities for administering Indian oil and gas leases under the governing Indian mineral leasing laws, treaties, and lease terms.
(b) If the regulations in this subpart are inconsistent with a Federal statute, a settlement agreement or written agreement as these terms are defined in this paragraph, or an express provision of an oil and gas lease subject to this subpart, then the statute, settlement agreement, written agreement, or lease provision will govern to the extent of the inconsistency. For purposes of this paragraph:
(1) Settlement agreement means a settlement agreement that is between the United States and a lessee, or between an individual Indian mineral owner and a lessee and is approved by the United States, resulting from administrative or judicial litigation; and
(2) Written agreement means a written agreement between the lessee and the ONRR Director (and approved by the tribal lessor for tribal leases) establishing a method to determine the value of production from any lease that ONRR expects at least would approximate the value established under this subpart.
(c) The ONRR or Indian tribes may audit, or perform other compliance reviews, and require a lessee to adjust royalty payments and reports.

Code of Federal Regulations

[72 FR 71241, Dec. 17, 2007]