458.91—Action by the Assistant Secretary.

(a) After considering the Administrative Law Judge's recommended decision and order, the record, and any exceptions filed, the Assistant Secretary shall issue his decision affirming or reversing the Administrative Law Judge, in whole, or in part, or making such other disposition of the matter as he deems appropriate: Provided, however, That unless exceptions are filed which are timely and in accordance with § 458.89, the Assistant Secretary may, at his discretion, adopt without discussion the recommended decision and order of the Administrative Law Judge, in which event the findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the Administrative Law Judge, as contained in his recommended decision and order, shall, upon appropriate notice to the parties, automatically become the decision of the Assistant Secretary.
(b) Upon finding a violation of the CSRA, FSA or this part, the Assistant Secretary may order the respondent to cease and desist from such violative conduct and may require the respondent to take such affirmative action as he deems appropriate to effectuate the policies of the CSRA or FSA.
(c) Upon finding no violation of the CSRA, FSA or this part, the Assistant Secretary shall dismiss the complaint.

Code of Federal Regulations

[45 FR 15158, Mar. 7, 1980. Redesignated and amended at 50 FR 31311, Aug. 1, 1985]