2570.38—Tentative denial letters.

(a) If, after reviewing an exemption file, the Department concludes that it will not grant the exenption, it will notify the applicant in writing of its tentative denial of the exemption application. At the same time, the Department will provide a short statement of the reasons for its tentative denial.
(b) An applicant will have 20 days from the date of a tentative denial letter to request a conference under § 2570.40 of these procedures and/or to notify the Department of its intent to submit additional information in writing under § 2570.39 of these procedures. If the Department does not receive a request for a conference or a notification of intent to submit additional information within that time, it will issue a final denial letter pursuant to § 2570.41.
(c) The Department need not issue a tentative denial letter to an applicant before issuing a final denial letter where the Department has conducted a hearing on the exemption pursuant to either § 2570.46 or § 2570.47 of these procedures.