2520.101-4—Annual funding notice for multiemployer defined benefit pension plans.

(a) In general. (1) Except as provided in paragraph (a)(2) of this section, pursuant to section 101(f) of the Act, the administrator of a defined benefit, multiemployer pension plan shall furnish annually to each person specified in paragraph (f) of this section a funding notice that conforms to the requirements of this section.
(2) A plan administrator shall not be required to furnish a funding notice for any plan year for which the plan is receiving financial assistance from the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation pursuant to section 4261 of ERISA.
(b) Content of notice. A funding notice shall, consistent with the information included in the plan's Annual Return/Report Form 5500 filed for the plan year to which the funding notice relates, include the following information:
(1) The name of the plan;
(2) The address and phone number of the plan administrator and the plan's principal administrative officer (if different from the plan administrator);
(3) The plan sponsor's employer identification number;
(4) The plan number;
(5) A statement as to whether the plan's funded current liability percentage (as defined in section 302(d)(8)(B) of ERISA) for the plan year to which the notice relates is at least 100 percent (and, if not, the actual percentage);
(6) A statement of the market value of the plan's assets (and valuation date), the amount of benefit payments, and the ratio of the assets to the payments for the plan year to which the notice relates;
(7) A summary of the rules governing insolvent multiemployer plans, including the limitations on benefit payments and any potential benefit reductions and suspensions (and the potential effects of such limitations, reductions, and suspensions on the plan);
(8) A general description of the benefits under the plan which are eligible to be guaranteed by the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, along with an explanation of the limitations on the guarantee and the circumstances under which such limitations apply; and
(9) Any additional information that the plan administrator elects to include, provided that such information:
(i) Is necessary or helpful to understanding the mandatory information in the notice, and
(ii) Is set forth following the information prescribed by paragraphs (b)(1) through (b)(8) of this section and shall be headed, “Additional Explanation.”
(c) Style and format of notice. Funding notices shall be written in a manner that is consistent with the style and format requirements of 29 CFR 2520.102-2.
(d) When to furnish notice. A funding notice shall be furnished within 9 months after the close of the plan year, unless the Internal Revenue Service has granted an extension of time to file the annual report, in which case such furnishing shall take place within 2 months after the close of the extension period.
(e) Manner of furnishing notice. (1) Except as provided in paragraph (e)(2) of this section, funding notices shall be furnished in any manner consistent with the requirements of § 2520.104b-1 of this chapter, including paragraph (c) of that section relating to the use of electronic media.
(2) Notice shall be furnished to the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation in a manner consistent with the requirements of part 4000 of this title.
(f) Persons entitled to notice. Persons entitled to notice under this section include:
(1) Each participant covered under the plan on the last day of the plan year to which the notice relates;
(2) Each beneficiary receiving benefits under the plan on the last day of the plan year to which the notice relates;
(3) Each labor organization representing participants under the plan on the last day of the plan year to which the notice relates;
(4) Each employer that, as of the last day of the plan year to which the notice relates, is a party to the collective bargaining agreement(s) pursuant to which the plan is maintained or who otherwise may be subject to withdrawal liability pursuant to section 4203 of the Act; and
(5) The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.
(g) Model notice. The appendix to this section contains a model notice that is intended to assist plan administrators in discharging their notice obligations under this section. Use of the model notice is not mandatory. However, use of the model notice will be deemed to satisfy the requirements of paragraphs (b) and (c), except with respect to information referenced in paragraph (b)(9) of this section.

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[71 FR 1911, Jan. 11, 2006]