2200.54—Requests for admissions.

(a) Scope. At any time after the filing of the first responsive pleading or motion that delays the filing of an answer, such as a motion to dismiss, any party may serve upon any other party written requests for admissions, for purposes of the pending action only, of the genuineness and authenticity of any document described in or attached to the requests, or of the truth of any specified matter of fact. Each matter of which an admission is requested shall be separately set forth. The number of requested admissions shall not exceed 25, including subparts, without an order of the Commission or Judge. The party seeking to serve more than 25 requested admissions, including subparts, shall have the burden of persuasion to establish that the complexity of the case or the number of citation items necessitates a greater number of requested admissions.
(b) Response to requests. Each matter is deemed admitted unless, within 30 days after service of the requests or within such shorter or longer time as the Commission or Judge may allow, the party to whom the requests are directed serves upon the requesting party a written answer specifically admitting or denying the matter involved in whole or in part, or asserting that it cannot be truthfully admitted or denied and setting forth in detail the reasons why this is so, or an objection, stating in detail the reasons therefor. The response shall be made under oath or affirmation and signed by the party or his representative.
(c) Effect of admission. Any matter admitted under this section is conclusively established unless the Judge or Commission on motion permits withdrawal or modification of the admission. Withdrawal or modification may be permitted when the presentation of the merits of the case will be subserved thereby, and the party who obtained the admission fails to satisfy the Commission or Judge that the withdrawal or modification will prejudice him in presenting his case or defense on the merits.

Code of Federal Regulations

[51 FR 32015, Sept. 8, 1986, as amended at 70 FR 22790, May 3, 2005; 70 FR 25652, May 13, 2005]