
(a) Scope. These rules shall govern all proceedings before the Commission and its Judges.
(b) Applicability of Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. In the absence of a specific provision, procedure shall be in accordance with the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
(c) Construction. These rules shall be construed to secure an expeditious, just and inexpensive determination of every case.
(a) Affected employees. Affected employees and authorized employee representatives may elect party status concerning any matter in which the Act confers a right to participate. The election shall be accomplished by filing a written notice of election at least 10 days before the hearing. A notice of election filed less than 10 days prior to the hearing is ineffective unless good cause is shown for not timely filing the notice. A notice of election shall be served on all other parties in accordance with § 2200.7.
(b) Employee contest. Where a notice of contest is filed by an employee or by an authorized employee representative with respect to the reasonableness of the period for abatement of a violation, the employer charged with the responsibility of abating the violation may elect party status by a notice filed at least 10 days before the hearing. A notice filed less than 10 days prior to the hearing is ineffective unless good cause is shown for not timely filing the notice.

Code of Federal Regulations

[51 FR 32015, Sept. 8, 1986, as amended at 57 FR 41684, Sept. 11, 1992; 74 FR 63986, Dec. 7, 2009]
(a) When allowed. A petition for leave to intervene may be filed at any time prior to 10 days before commencement of the hearing. A petition filed less than 10 days prior to the commencement of the hearing will be denied unless good cause is shown for not timely filing the petition. A petition shall be served on all parties in accordance with § 2200.7.
(b) Requirements of petition. The petition shall set forth the interest of the petitioner in the proceeding and show that the participation of the petitioner will assist in the determination of the issues in question, and that the intervention will not unduly delay the proceeding.
(c) Granting of petition. The Commission or Judge may grant a petition for intervention to such an extent and upon such terms as the Commission or the Judge shall determine.

Code of Federal Regulations

[51 FR 32015, Sept. 8, 1986, as amended at 74 FR 63986, Dec. 7, 2009]
(a) Representation. Any party or intervenor may appear in person, through an attorney, or through another representative who is not an attorney. A representative must file an appearance in accordance with § 2200.23. In the absence of an appearance by a representative, a party or intervenor will be deemed to appear for himself. A corporation or unincorporated association may be represented by an authorized officer or agent.
(b) Affected employees in collective bargaining unit. Where an authorized employee representative (see § 2200.1(g)) elects to participate as a party, affected employees who are members of the collective bargaining unit may not separately elect party status. If the authorized employee representative does not elect party status, affected employees who are members of the collective bargaining unit may elect party status in the same manner as affected employees who are not members of the collective bargaining unit. See paragraph (c) of this section.
(c) Affected employees not in collective bargaining unit. Affected employees who are not members of a collective bargaining unit may elect party status under § 2200.20(a). If more than one employee so elects, the Judge shall provide for them to be treated as one party.
(d) Control of proceeding. A representative of a party or intervenor shall be deemed to control all matters respecting the interest of such party or intervenor in the proceeding.

Code of Federal Regulations

[51 FR 32015, Sept. 8, 1986; 52 FR 13831, Apr. 27, 1987]
(a) Entry of appearance— (1) General. A representative of a party or intervenor shall enter an appearance by signing the first document filed on behalf of the party or intervenor in accordance with paragraph (a)(2) of this section, or thereafter by filing an entry of appearance in accordance with paragraph (a)(3) of this section.
(2) Appearance in first document or pleading. If the first document filed on behalf of a party or intervenor is signed by a representative, he shall be recognized as representing that party. No separate entry of appearance by him is necessary, provided the document contains the information required by § 2200.6.
(3) Subsequent appearance. Where a representative has not previously appeared on behalf of a party or intervenor, he shall file an entry of appearance with the Executive Secretary, or Judge if the case has been assigned. The entry of appearance shall be signed by the representative and contain the information required by § 2200.6.
(b) Withdrawal of counsel. Any counsel or representative of record desiring to withdraw his appearance, or any party desiring to withdraw the appearance of counsel or representative of record for him, must file a motion with the Commission or Judge requesting leave therefor, and showing that prior notice of the motion has been given by him to his client or counsel or representative, as the case may be. The motion of counsel to withdraw may, in the discretion of the Commission or Judge, be denied where it is necessary to avoid undue delay or prejudice to the rights of a party or intervenor.
The brief of an amicus curiae may be filed only by leave of the Judge or Commission. The brief may be conditionally filed with the motion for leave. A motion for leave shall identify the interest of the applicant and shall state the reasons why a brief of an amicus curiae is desirable. Any amicus curiae shall file its brief within the time allowed the party whose position the amicus will support unless the Judge or Commission, for good cause shown, grants leave for later filing. In that event, the Judge or Commission shall specify within what period an opposing party may answer.

Code of Federal Regulations

[57 FR 41684, Sept. 11, 1992]
(a) The purpose of the Simplified Proceedings subpart is to provide simplified procedures for resolving contests under the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, so that parties before the Commission may reduce the time and expense of litigation while being assured due process and a hearing that meets the requirements of the Administrative Procedure Act, 5 U.S.C. 554. These procedural rules will be applied to accomplish this purpose.
(b) Procedures under this subpart are simplified in a number of ways. The major differences between these procedures and those provided in subparts A through G of the Commission's rules of procedure are as follows.
(1) Complaints and answers are not required.
(2) Pleadings generally are not required. Early discussions among the parties and the Administrative Law Judge are required to narrow and define the disputes between the parties.
(3) The Secretary is required to provide the employer with certain informational documents early in the proceeding.
(4) Discovery is not permitted except as ordered by the Administrative Law Judge.
(5) Interlocutory appeals are not permitted.
(6) Hearings are less formal. The Federal Rules of Evidence do not apply. Instead of briefs, the parties will argue their case orally before the Judge at the conclusion of the hearing. In many instances, the Judge will render his or her decision from the bench.

Code of Federal Regulations

[60 FR 41809, Aug. 14, 1995, as amended at 70 FR 22792, May 3, 2005]
The rules in this subpart will govern proceedings before a Judge in a case chosen for Simplified Proceedings under § 2200.203.

Code of Federal Regulations

[60 FR 41809, Aug. 14, 1995, as amended at 62 FR 14822, Mar. 28, 1997; 62 FR 40934, July 31, 1997; 70 FR 22792, May 3, 2005]
(a) Those cases selected for Simplified Proceedings will be those that do not involve complex issues of law or fact. Cases appropriate for Simplified Proceedings would generally include those with one or more of the following characteristics:
(1) Relatively few citation items,
(2) An aggregate proposed penalty of not more than $20,000,
(3) No allegation of willfulness or a repeat violation,
(4) Not involving a fatality,
(5) A hearing that is expected to take less than 2 days, or
(6) A small employer whether appearing pro se or represented by counsel.
(b) Those cases with an aggregate proposed penalty of more than $20,000, but not more than $30,000, if otherwise appropriate, may be selected for Simplified Proceedings at the discretion of the Chief Administrative Law Judge.

Code of Federal Regulations

[62 FR 40934, July 31, 1997, as amended at 70 FR 22792, May 3, 2005; 74 FR 63987, Dec. 7, 2009]
(a) Selection. Upon receipt of a Notice of Contest, the Chief Administrative Law Judge may, at his or her discretion, assign an appropriate case for Simplified Proceedings.
(b) Party request. Within 20 days of the notice of docketing, any party may request that the case be assigned for Simplified Proceedings. The request must be in writing. For example, “I request Simplified Proceedings” will suffice. The request must be sent to the Executive Secretary. Copies must be sent to each of the other parties.
(c) Judge's ruling on request. The Chief Administrative Law Judge or the Judge assigned to the case may grant a party's request and assign a case for Simplified Proceedings at his or her discretion. Such request shall be acted upon within 15 days of its receipt by the Judge.
(d) Time for filing complaint or answer under If a party has requested Simplified Proceedings or the Judge has assigned the case for Simplified Proceedings, the times for filing a complaint or answer will not run. If a request for Simplified Proceedings is denied, the period for filing a complaint or answer will begin to run upon issuance of the notice denying Simplified Proceedings.

Code of Federal Regulations

[60 FR 41809, Aug. 14, 1995, as amended at 62 FR 61012, Nov. 14, 1997; 70 FR 22792, May 3, 2005; 74 FR 63987, Dec. 7, 2009]
(a) Procedure. If it becomes apparent at any time that a case is not appropriate for Simplified Proceedings, the Judge assigned to the case may, upon motion by any party or upon the Judge's own motion, discontinue Simplified Proceedings and order the case to continue under conventional rules. Before discontinuing Simplified Proceedings, the Judge will consult with the Chief Administrative Law Judge.
(b) Party motion. At any time during the proceedings any party may request that Simplified Proceedings be discontinued and that the matter continue under conventional procedures. A motion to discontinue must be in writing and explain why the case is inappropriate for Simplified Proceedings. All other parties will have 7 days from the filing of the motion to state their agreement or disagreement and their reasons. Joint motions to return a case to conventional proceedings shall be granted by the Judge and do not require a showing of good cause.
(c) Ruling. If Simplified Proceedings are discontinued, the Judge may issue such orders as are necessary for an orderly continuation under conventional rules.

Code of Federal Regulations

[60 FR 41809, Aug. 14, 1995, as amended at 70 FR 22792, May 3, 2005; 74 FR 63987, Dec. 7, 2009]
(a) Complaint and answer. Once a case is designated for Simplified Proceedings, the complaint and answer requirements are suspended. If the Secretary has filed a complaint under § 2200.34(a), a response to a petition under § 2200.37(d)(5), or a response to an employee contest under § 2200.38(a), and if Simplified Proceedings have been ordered, no response to these documents will be required.
(b) Motions. A primary purpose of Simplified Proceedings is to eliminate, as much as possible, motions and similar documents. A motion will not be viewed favorably if the subject of the motion has not been first discussed among the parties.

Code of Federal Regulations

[60 FR 41809, Aug. 14, 1995, as amended at 70 FR 22792, May 3, 2005]
(a) Disclosure to employer. (1) Within 12 working days after a case is designated for Simplified Proceedings, the Secretary shall provide the employer, free of charge, copies of the narrative (Form OSHA 1-A) and the worksheet (Form OSHA 1-B), or their equivalents.
(2) Within 30 calendar days after a case is designated for Simplified Proceedings, the Secretary shall provide the employer with reproductions of any photographs or videotapes that the Secretary anticipates using at the hearing.
(3) Within 30 calendar days after a case is designated for Simplified Proceedings, the Secretary shall provide to the employer any exculpatory evidence in the Secretary's possession.
(4) The Judge shall act expeditiously on any claim by the employer that the Secretary improperly withheld or redacted any portion of the documents, photographs, or videotapes on the grounds of confidentiality or privilege.
(b) Disclosure to the Secretary. Where the employer raises an affirmative defense, the presiding Judge shall order the employer to disclose to the Secretary such documents relevant to the affirmative defense as the Judge deems appropriate.

Code of Federal Regulations

[60 FR 41809, Aug. 14, 1995, as amended at 62 FR 40934, July 31, 1997; 70 FR 22792, May 3, 2005]
(a) When held. As early as practicable after the employer has received the documents set forth in § 2200.206(a)(1), the presiding Judge will order and conduct a pre-hearing conference. At the discretion of the Judge, the pre-hearing conference may be held in person, or by telephone or electronic means.
(b) Content. At the pre-hearing conference, the parties will discuss the following: settlement of the case; the narrowing of issues; an agreed statement of issues and facts; defenses; witnesses and exhibits; motions; and any other pertinent matter. Except under extraordinary circumstances, any affirmative defenses not raised at the pre-hearing conference may not be raised later. At the conclusion of the conference, the Judge will issue an order setting forth any agreements reached by the parties and will specify in the order the issues to be addressed by the parties at the hearing.

Code of Federal Regulations

[60 FR 41809, Aug. 14, 1995, as amended at 62 FR 40934, July 31, 1997]
Discovery, including requests for admissions, will only be allowed under the conditions and time limits set by the Judge.
(a) Procedures. As soon as practicable after the conclusion of the pre-hearing conference, the Judge will hold a hearing on any issue that remains in dispute. The hearing will be in accordance with subpart E of these rules, except for § 2200.60, 2200.73, and 2200.74 which will not apply.
(b) Agreements. At the beginning of the hearing, the Judge will enter into the record all agreements reached by the parties as well as defenses raised during the pre-hearing conference. The parties and the Judge then will attempt to resolve or narrow the remaining issues. The Judge will enter into the record any further agreements reached by the parties.
(c) Evidence. The Judge will receive oral, physical, or documentary evidence that is not irrelevant, unduly repetitious or unreliable. Testimony will be given under oath or affirmation. The Federal Rules of Evidence do not apply.
(d) Reporter. A reporter will be present at the hearing. An official verbatim transcript of the hearing will be prepared and filed with the Judge. Parties may purchase copies of the transcript from the reporter.
(e) Oral and written argument. Each party may present oral argument at the close of the hearing. Post-hearing briefs will not be allowed except by order of the Judge.
(f) Judge's decision. Where practicable, the Judge will render his or her decision from the bench. In rendering his or her decision from the bench, the Judge shall state the issues in the case and make clear both his or her findings of fact and conclusions of law on the record. The Judge shall reduce his or her order in the matter to writing and transmit it to the parties as soon as practicable, but no later than 45 days after the hearing. All relevant transcript paragraphs and pages shall be excerpted and included in the decision. Alternatively, within 45 days of the hearing, the Judge will issue a written decision. The decision will be in accordance with § 2200.90. If additional time is needed, approval of the Chief Administrative Law Judge is required.
(g) Filing of Judge's decision with the Executive Secretary. When the Judge issues a written decision, it shall be filed simultaneously with the Commission and the parties. Once the Judge's order is transmitted to the Executive Secretary, § 2200.90(b) applies, with the exception of the 11-day period provided for in rule § 2200.90(b)(2).

Code of Federal Regulations

[60 FR 41809, Aug. 14, 1995, as amended at 62 FR 40934, July 31, 1997; 73 FR 56492, Sept. 29, 2008; 74 FR 63988, Dec. 7, 2009; 75 FR 18404, Apr. 12, 2010]
Any party may petition for Commission review of the Judge's decision as provided in § 2200.91. After the issuance of the Judge's written decision or order, the parties may pursue the case following the rules in subpart F.
The provisions of subpart D (except for § 2200.57) and §§ 2200.34, 2200.37(d)(5), 2200.38, 2200.71, 2200.73 and 2200.74 will not apply to Simplified Proceedings. All other rules contained in Subparts A through G of the Commission's rules of procedure will apply when consistent with the rules in this subpart governing Simplified Proceedings.

Code of Federal Regulations

[60 FR 41809, Aug. 14, 1995, as amended at 70 FR 22792, May 3, 2005]