1952.270—Description of the plan.

(a) The State's program will be administered and enforced by the Department of Labor and Industry. Safety standards are to be promulgated by the Commissioner of Labor and Industry while the Secretary of the Agency of Human Services is to promulgate health standards. The Division of Industrial Hygiene, within the Department of Labor and Industry, will then have the responsibility of inspecting workplaces for violations of health standards. However, enforcement of the Vermont Occupational Safety and Health Act, including the issuance of citations for all violations, rests with the Department of Labor and Industry. Administrative adjudications will be the responsibility of an independent State Occupational Safety and Health Review Board.
(b) The State program will protect all employees within the state including those employed by the State and its political subdivisions. Public employees are to be granted the same protections as are afforded employees in the private sector. Specific administrative procedures for implementing the plan within the State agencies are to be drafted by the Vermont Agency of Administration.
(c) Vermont has adopted all Federal standards promulgated before December 31, 1972. Future permanent Federal standards will be adopted by the state within one year after promulgation by the Secretary of Labor.
(d) The State enabling legislation became law on July 1, 1972. The Act sets forth the general authority and scope for implementing the plan. The plan also contains proposed amendments to the Act which are designed to bring the legislation into full conformity with section 18(c) of the Federal Act and part 1902. The State has also adopted regulations patterned after 29 CFR parts 1903, 1904 and 1905.
(e) The Vermont Act and the regulations drafted pursuant to it provide procedures for prompt and effective standards-setting for the protection of employees against new and unforeseen hazards and for furnishing information to employees on hazards, precautions, symptoms, and emergency treatment; variances; the giving to employer and employee representatives an opportunity to accompany inspectors and to call attention to possible violations before, during, and after inspections; the protection of employees against discharge or discrimination in terms or conditions of employments; notice to employees or their representatives when no compliance action is taken upon complaints, including informal review; notice to employees of their protections and obligations; adequate safeguards to protect trade secrets; prompt notice to employers and employees of alleged violations of standards and abatement requirements; effective sanctions against employers; the right to review alleged violations, abatement periods, and proposed penalties with the opportunity for employee participation in the review proceedings; prompt restraint or elimination of imminent danger conditions; and the development of a program to encourage voluntary compliance by employers and employees.
(f) The plan includes a statement of the Governor's support of it and of the proposed amendments to its legislation. It sets out goals and provides a timetable for bringing the plan into full conformity with part 1902. Personnel hired under the state's merit system will carry out the program.