1915.98—First aid.

The provisions of this section shall apply to ship repairing, shipbuilding and shipbreaking.
(a) Unless a first aid room and a qualified attendant are close at hand and prepared to render first aid to employees on behalf of the employer, the employer shall furnish a first aid kit for each vessel on which work is being performed, except that when work is being performed on more than one small vessel at one pier, only one kit shall be required. The kit, when required, shall be kept close to the vessel and at least one employee, close at hand, shall be qualified to administer first aid to the injured.
(b) The first aid kit shall consist of a weatherproof container with individual sealed packages for each type of item. The contents of such kit shall contain a sufficient quantity of at least the following types of items:
Gauze roller bandages, 1 inch and 2 inch.
Gauze compress bandages, 4 inch.
Adhesive bandages, 1 inch.
Triangular bandage, 40 inch.
Ammonia inhalants and ampules.
Antiseptic applicators or swabs.
Burn dressing.
Eye dressing.
Wire or thin board splints.
Forceps and tourniquet.
(c) The contents of the first aid kit shall be checked before being sent out on each job and at least weekly on each job to ensure that the expended items are replaced.
(d) There shall be available for each vessel on which ten (10) or more employees are working one Stokes basket stretcher, or equivalent, permanently equipped with bridles for attaching to the hoisting gear, except that no more than two strechers are required on each job location. A blanket or other liner suitable for transferring the patient to and from the stretcher shall be provided. Stretchers shall be kept close to the vessels. This paragraph does not apply where ambulance services which are available are known to carry such stretchers.