1915.504—Fire watches.
(a) Written fire watch policy.
The employer must create and keep current a written policy that specifies the following requirements for employees performing fire watch in the workplace:
The training employees must be given ( § 1915.508(c) contains detailed fire watch training requirements);
The personal protective equipment (PPE) that must be made available and worn as required by 29 CFR Part 1915, Subpart I.
(b) Posting fire watches.
The employer must post a fire watch if during hot work any of the following conditions are present:
Fire-resistant guards or curtains are not used to prevent ignition of combustible materials on or near decks, bulkheads, partitions, or overheads;
Combustible material closer than 35 ft. (10.7m) to the hot work in either the horizontal or vertical direction cannot be removed, protected with flame-proof covers, or otherwise shielded with metal or fire-resistant guards or curtains;
The hot work is carried out on or near insulation, combustible coatings, or sandwich-type construction that cannot be shielded, cut back, or removed, or in a space within a sandwich type construction that cannot be inerted;
Combustible materials adjacent to the opposite sides of bulkheads, decks, overheads, metal partitions, or sandwich-type construction may be ignited by conduction or radiation;
The hot work is close enough to cause ignition through heat radiation or conduction on the following:
A Marine Chemist, a Coast Guard-authorized person, or a shipyard Competent Person, as defined in 29 CFR Part 1915, Subpart B, requires that a fire watch be posted.
(c) Assigning employees to fire watch duty.
The employer must not assign other duties to a fire watch while the hot work is in progress.
Are authorized to stop work if necessary and restore safe conditions within the hot work area;
Remain in the hot work area for at least 30 minutes after completion of the hot work, unless the employer or its representative surveys the exposed area and makes a determination that there is no further fire hazard;
Attempt to extinguish any incipient stage fires in the hot work area that are within the capability of available equipment and within the fire watch's training qualifications, as defined in § 1915.508 ;
The employer must ensure that employees assigned to fire watch are physically capable of performing these duties.