1912a.13—Subcommittees and subgroups.

(a) The Chairman may appoint from among the members of the Committee any number of subcommittees for the purpose of assisting the Committee in carrying out its functions. All the provisions of this part regarding the conduct of Committee meetings are applicable to the conduct of subcommittee meetings. For example, any meeting of subcommittees shall be open to the public, and notice of subcommittee meetings shall be published in the Federal Register.
(b) The purpose of any subcommittee is to give advice and make recommendations solely to the full Committee and under no circumstances may any subcommittee act outside this purpose. The Chairman may appoint any member of a Subcommittee to act as Chairman.
(c) Subcommittee shall operate in accordance with the Committee's charter and the procedures set forth in this part.
(d) The Chairman may appoint temporary informal subgroups from among the members to perform such services as assisting the Committee or the Chairman by gathering technical information or for suggesting schedules, plans, agenda, terms or methods of operation.