
(a) When granted. Continuances will only by granted in cases of prior judicial commitments or undue hardship, or a showing of other good cause.
(b) Time limit for requesting. Except for good cause arising thereafter, requests for continuances must be filed within fourteen (14) days prior to the date set for hearing.
(c) How filed. Motions for continuances shall be in writing. At least 3″ x 3 1/2 ″ of blank space shall be provided on the last page of the motion to permit space for the entry of an order by the administrative law judge. Copies shall be served on all parties. Any motions for continuances made within ten (10) days of the date of the scheduled proceeding shall, in addition to the written request, be telephonically conveyed to the administrative law judge or a member of his or her staff and to all other parties. Motions for continuances, based on reasons not reasonably ascertainable prior thereto, may also be made on the record at calendar calls, prehearing conferences or hearings.
(d) Ruling. Time permitting, the administrative law judge shall issue a written order in advance of the scheduled proceeding date which either allows or denies the request. Otherwise the ruling may be made orally by telephonic communication to the party requesting same who shall be responsible for telephonically notifying all other parties. Oral orders shall be confirmed in writing.

Code of Federal Regulations

[48 FR 32538, July 15, 1983; 49 FR 2739, Jan. 20, 1984]