15.22—Allowable claims.

(a) A claim may be allowed only if the property involved was being used incident to service with the Department and:
(l) The damage or loss was not caused wholly or partly by the negligent or wrongful act or omission of the claimant, his or her agent, the members of his or her family, or his or her private employee (the standard to be applied is that of reasonable care under the circumstances); and
(2) The possession of the property lost or damaged and the quantity and the quality possessed is determined to have been reasonable, useful or proper under the circumstances; and
(3) The claim is substantiated by proper and convincing evidence.
(b) Claims which are otherwise allowable under this subpart shall not be disallowed solely because the claimant was not the legal owner of the property for which the claim is made.
(c) Subject to the conditions in paragraph (a) of this section and the other provisions of this subpart, any claim for damage to, or loss, of personal property incident to service with the Department may be considered and allowed. For the purpose of subpart B of this part, an alternative work location at which an employee is performing duties pursuant to an approved Flexiplace agreement shall be considered an official duty station. The following are examples of the principal types of claims which may be allowed, but these examples are not exclusive and other types of claims may be allowed, unless hereinafter excluded:
(1) Property or damage in quarters or other authorized places. Claims may be allowable for damage to, or loss of, property arising from fire, flood, hurricane, other natural disaster, theft, or other unusual occurrence, while such property is located at:
(i) Quarters within the 50 States or the District of Columbia that were assigned to the claimant or otherwise provided in kind by the United States; or
(ii) Quarters outside the 50 States and the District of Columbia that were occupied by the claimant, whether or not they were assigned or otherwise provided in kind by the United States, except when the claimant is a civilian employee who is a local inhabitant; or
(iii) Any warehouse, office, working area or other place (except quarters) authorized or apparently authorized for the reception or storage of property.
(2) Transportation or travel losses. Claims may be allowed for damage to, or loss of, property incident to transportation or storage pursuant to order or in connection with travel under orders, including property in the custody of a carrier, an agent or agency of the Government, or the claimant.
(3) Mobile homes. Claims may be allowed for damage to, or loss of, mobile homes and their contents under the provisions of paragraph (c)(2) of this section. Claims for structural damage to mobile homes, other than that caused by collision, and damage to contents of mobile homes resulting from such structural damage, must contain conclusive evidence that the damage was not caused by structural deficiency of the mobile home and that it was not overloaded. Claims for damage to, or loss of, tires mounted on mobile homes will not be allowed, except in cases of collision, theft or vandalism.
(4) Enemy action or public service. Claims may be allowed for damage to, or loss of, property as a direct consequence of:
(i) Enemy action or threat thereof, or combat, guerrilla, brigandage, or other belligerent activity, or unjust confiscation by a foreign power or its nationals.
(ii) Action by the claimant to quiet a civil disturbance or to alleviate a public disaster.
(iii) Efforts by the claimant to save human life or Government property.
(5) Property used for the benefit of the Government. Claims may be allowed for damage to, or loss, of property when used for the benefit of the Government at the request of, or with the knowledge and consent of superior authority.
(6) Clothing and Accessories. Claims may be allowed for damage to, or loss of, clothing and accessories customarily worn on the person, such as eyeglasses, hearing aids, or dentures.
(7) Expenses incident to repair. Claimants may be reimbursed for the payment of any sales tax incurred in connection with repairs to an item. The costs of obtaining estimates of repair (subject to the limitations set forth in § 15.14(c)) are also allowable.