15.21—Filing of claims.

(a) Who may file. (1) A claim may be made pursuant to this subpart by an employee or by a spouse or authorized agent, or legal representative on behalf of the employee. If the employee is deceased, the claim may be filed by a survivor in the following order of preference: spouse, children, parent, brother or sister or the authorized agent or legal representative of such person or persons.
(2) A claim may not be made hereunder by or for the benefit of a subrogee, assignee, conditional vendor or other third party.
(b) Where to file. A claim hereunder must be presented in writing. If the claimant's official duty station is at the Department's national office in Washington, DC., or if the claim is for an amount in excess of $25,000, the claim should be filed with the Counsel for Claims and Compensation, Office of the Solicitor of Labor, U.S. Department of Labor, Suite S4325, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20210. In all other cases the claimant shall address the claim to the regional or branch office of the Solicitor of Labor servicing the claimant's official duty station.
(c) Evidence required. The claimant is responsible for substantiating ownership or possession, the facts surrounding the loss or damage, and the value of the property. Any claim filed hereunder must be accompanied by the following:
(1) A written statement, signed by the claimant or his or her authorized agent, setting forth the circumstances under which the damage or loss occurred. This statement shall also include:
(i) A description of the type, design, model number or other identification of the property.
(ii) The date of purchase or acquisition and the original cost of the property.
(iii) The location of the property when the loss or damage occurred.
(iv) The value of the property when lost or damaged.
(v) The actual or estimated cost of the repair of any damaged item.
(vi) The purpose of and authority for travel, if the loss or damage occurred incident to transportation or to the use of a motor vehicle.
(vii) Any and all available information as to the party responsible for the loss or damage, if such party is someone other than the claimant, and all information as to insurance contracts, whether held by the claimant or by the party responsible.
(2) Copies of all available and appropriate documents such as bills of sale, estimates of repairs, or travel orders. In the case of an automobile, the claimant must file two estimates of repair or a certified paid bill showing the damage incurred and the cost of all parts, labor and other items necessary to the repair of the vehicle or a statement from an authorized dealer or repair garage showing that the cost of such repairs exceeds the value of the vehicle.
(3) A copy of the power of attorney or other authorization if the claim is filed by someone other than the employee.
(4) A statement from the employee's immediate supervisor confirming that possession of the property was reasonable, useful or proper under the circumstances and that the damage or loss was incident to service.
(d) Time limitations. A claim under this part may be allowed only if it is filed in writing within 2 years after accrual of the claim. For the purpose of this part, a claim accrues at the later of:
(1) The time of the accident or incident causing the loss or damage;
(2) Such time as the loss or damage should have been discovered by the claimant by the exercise of due diligence; or
(3) Such time as cause preventing filing no longer exists or as war or armed conflict ends, whichever is earlier, if a claim otherwise accrues during war or an armed conflict or has accrued within two years before war or an armed conflict begins, and for cause shown.