1430.3—Establishment of advisory committees.
(a) Guidelines for establishing advisory committees.
The guidelines in establishing advisory committees are as follows:
No advisory committee shall be established if its functions are being or could be performed by an agency or an existing committee;
The membership of the advisory committee shall be fairly balanced in terms of the points of view represented and the committee's functions;
There shall be appropriate safeguards to assure that an advisory committee's advice and recommendations will not be inappropriately influenced by any special interests; and
At least once a year, a report shall be prepared for each advisory committee, describing the committee's membership, functions, and actions.
(b) Advisory committees established by the Service not pursuant to specific statutory authority.
Advisory committees established by the Service not pursuant to specific statutory authority may be created by the Director after consultation with the secretariat.
When the Director determines that such an advisory committee needs to be established, he shall notify the secretariat of his determination and shall inform the secretariat of the nature and purpose of the committee, the reasons why the committee is needed, and the inability of any existing agency or committee to perform the committee's functions.
After the secretariat has determined that establishment of such a committee is in conformance with the Act and has so informed the Director, the Director shall prepare a certification of the committee, stating the committee's nature and purpose, and that it is established in the public interest. That certification shall be published in the Federal Register.
(c) Advisory committees created pursuant to Presidential directive.
Advisory committees established by Presidential directive are those created pursuant to Executive Order, executive memorandum, or reorganization plan. The Director shall create such committees in accordance with the provisions of the Presidential directive and shall follow the provisions of this part, to the extent they are not inconsistent with the directive.
(d) Advisory committees created pursuant to specific statutory authority.
The Director shall create advisory committees established pursuant to specific statutory authority in accordance with the provisions of the statute and shall follow the provisions of this part, to the extent they are not inconsistent with the statute: Provided, however, That the Director need not utilize the procedures described in paragraph (b) of this section.
(e) Advisory committees established by persons outside the Federal Government, but utilized by the Service to obtain advice or opinion.
In utilizing such committees, the Director shall follow the provisions of this part and the requirements of the Act. Such committees, to the extent they are utilized by the Service, shall be considered, for the purposes of this part, to be advisory committees established by the Service.