1410.6—Requests for correction or amendment of records.

(a) If the individual disagrees with the information in the record, he may request that the record be amended by addition or deletion. Such a request must be in writing and directed to the Director of Administration, Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, Washington, DC, 20427. The request must also specifically outline the amendment sought. The Director of Administration or his designated representative will acknowledge receipt of the request within 10 working days from the date of receipt of such request. Under normal circumstances, not later than 30 days after receipt of the request for amendments, the Director of Administration will either:
(1) Amend the record and notify the requestor in a written letter of determination to what extent the record is amended; or
(2) If the amendment or correction is denied in whole or in part, notify the requestor in a written letter of determination the reason for denial and the requestor's right to request review by the Deputy National Director.
(b) Routine requests of arbitrators maintained on the Service's roster of arbitrators to amend records for such matters as address, experience, fees charged, may be made in writing to the Director of Arbitration Services, Washington, DC, 20427. If such routine requests are not granted or involve other types of amendments, then the procedure to be followed is that which includes a request in writing to the Director of Administration.