1404.12—Selection by parties and appointment of arbitrators.

(a) After receiving a panel of names, the parties must notify the OAS of their selection of an arbitrator or of the decision not to proceed with arbitration. Upon notification of the selection of an arbitrator, the OAS will make a formal appointment of the arbitrator. The arbitrator, upon notification of appointment, shall communicate with the parties within 14 days to arrange for preliminary matters, such as the date and place of hearing. Should an arbitrator be notified directly by the parties that he or she has been selected, the arbitrator must promptly notify the OAS of the selection and of his or her willingness to serve. The arbitrator must provide the OAS with the FMCS case number and other pertinent information for the OAS to make an appointment. A pattern of failure by an arbitrator to notify FMCS of a selection in an FMCS case may result in suspension or removal from the Roster. If the parties settle a case prior to the hearing, the parties must inform the arbitrator as well as the OAS. Consistent failure to follow these procedures may lead to a denial of future OAS services.
(b) If the parties request a list of names and biographical sketches rather than a panel, the parties may choose to contact and select an arbitrator directly from that list. In this situation, neither the parties nor the arbitrator is required to furnish any additional information to FMCS and no case number will be assigned.
(c) Where the parties' collective bargaining agreement is silent on the manner of selecting arbitrators, FMCS will accept one of the following methods for selection from a panel:
(1) A selection by mutual agreement;
(2) A selection in which each party alternately strikes a name from the submitted panel until one remains;
(3) A selection in which each party advises OAS of its order of preference by numbering each name on the panel and submitting the numbered list in writing to OAS. If the parties separately notify OAS of their preferred selections, OAS, upon receiving the preferred selection of the first party, will notify the other party that it has fourteen (14) days in which to submit its selections. Where both parties respond, the name that has the lowest combined number will be appointed. If the other party fails to respond, the first party's choice will be honored.
(d) Where the parties' collective bargaining agreement permits each party to separately notify OAS of its preferred selection, OAS will proceed with the selection process as follows. When the OAS receives the preferred selection from one party, it will notify the other party that it has fourteen (14) days in which to submit its selections. If that party fails to respond within the deadline, the first party's choice will be honored unless prohibited by the collective bargaining agreement. Where both parties respond, the name that has the lowest combined number will be appointed. If, within fourteen (14) days, a second panel is requested, and is permitted by the collective bargaining agreement, the requesting party must pay a fee for the second panel.
(e) The OAS will make a direct appointment of an arbitrator only upon joint request or as provided by paragraphs (c) (3) or (d) of this section.
(f) A direct appointment in no way signifies a determination of arbitrability or a ruling that an agreement to arbitrate exists. The resolution of disputes over these issues rests solely with the parties.

Code of Federal Regulations

[75 FR 30705, June 2, 2010]