90.51—Program criteria for Indian tribal government discretionary grants.

(a) The Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Justice Programs is authorized to make grants to Indian tribal governments for the purpose of developing and strengthening effective law enforcement and prosecution strategies to combat violent crimes against women, and to develop and strengthen victim services in cases involving violent crimes against women.
(b) Grantees shall develop plans for implementation and shall consult and coordinate with, to the extent that they exist, tribal law enforcement; prosecutors; courts; and nonprofit, nongovernmental victim services programs, including sexual assault and domestic violence victim services programs. Indian tribal government applications must include documentation from nonprofit, nongovernmental victim services programs, if they exist, or from women in the community to be served describing their participation in developing the plan. The goal of the planning process should be to achieve better coordination and integration of law enforcement, prosecution, courts, probation, and victim services—the entire tribal justice system—in the prevention, identification, and response to cases involving violence against women.