90.24—Grantee reporting.

(a) Upon completion of the grant period under this subpart, a State shall file a performance report with the Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Justice Programs explaining the activities carried out, including an assessment of the effectiveness of those activities in achieving the purposes of this part.
(b) A section of the performance report shall be completed by each grantee and subgrantee that performed the direct services contemplated in the application, certifying performance of direct services under the grant. The grantee is responsible for collecting demographics about the victims served and including this information in the Annual Performance Report. In addition, the State should assess whether or not annual goals and objectives were achieved and provide a progress report on Statewide coordination efforts. Section 2002(h)(2).
(c) The Assistant Attorney General shall suspend funding for an approved application if:
(1) An applicant fails to submit an annual performance report;
(2) Funds are expended for purposes other than those described in this subchapter; or
(3) A report under this section or accompanying assessments demonstrate to the Assistant Attorney General that the program is ineffective or financially unsound.