90.16—Availability and allocation of funds.

(a) Section 2002(b) provides for the allocation of the amounts appropriated for this Program as follows:
(1) Allocation to Indian tribal governments. Of the total amounts appropriated for this Program, 4% shall be available for grants directly to Indian tribal governments. This Program is addressed in subpart C of this part.
(2) Allocation to States. Of the total amounts appropriated for this Program in any fiscal year, after setting aside the portion allocated for discretionary grants to Indian tribal governments covered in paragraph (a) (1) of this section, and setting aside a portion for evaluation, training and technical assistance, a base amount shall be allocated for grants to eligible applicants in each State. After these allocations are made, the remaining funds will be allocated to each State on the basis of the State's relative share of total U.S. population (not including Indian tribal populations). For purposes of determining the distribution of the remaining funds, the most accurate and complete data compiled by the U.S. Bureau of the Census shall be used.
(3) Allocation of funds within the State. Funds granted to qualified States are to be further subgranted by the State to agencies, offices, and programs including, but not limited to State agencies and offices; public or private nonprofit organizations; units of local government; Indian tribal governments; nonprofit, nongovernmental victim services programs; and legal services programs for victims to carry out programs and projects specified in § 90.12.
(b) In distributing funds received under this part, States must:
(1) Give priority to areas of varying geographic size with the greatest showing of need. In assessing need, States must consider the range and availability of existing domestic violence and sexual assault programs in the population and geographic area to be served in relation to the availability of such programs in other such populations and geographic areas, including Indian reservations. Applications submitted by a State for program funding must include a proposal which delineates the method by which States will distribute funds within the State to assure compliance with this requirement on an annual or multi-year basis. Section 2002(e)(2)(A).
(2) Take into consideration the population of the geographic area to be served when determining subgrants. Section 2002(e)(2)(B). Applications submitted by a State for program funding must include a proposal which delineates the method by which States will distribute funds within the State to assure compliance with this requirement on an annual or multi-year basis.
(3) Equitably distribute monies on a geographic basis, including non-urban and rural areas of various geographic sizes. Section 2002(e)(2)(C). Applications submitted by the State for program funding must include a proposal which delineates the method by which States will distribute funds within the State to assure compliance with this requirement on an annual or multi-year basis.
(4) In disbursing monies, States must ensure that the needs of previously underserved populations are identified and addressed in its funding plan. Section 2002(e)(2)(D). For the purposes of this Program, underserved populations include, but are not limited to, populations underserved because of geographic location (such as rural isolation), underserved racial or ethnic populations, including Indian populations, and populations underserved because of special needs such as language barriers or physical disabilities. Section 2003(7 ). Each State has flexibility to determine its basis for identifying underserved populations, which may include public hearings, needs assessments, task forces, and U.S. Bureau of Census data. Applications submitted by the State for program funding must include a proposal which delineates the method by which States will distribute funds within the State to assure compliance with this requirement on an annual or multi-year basis.
(c) States must certify that a minimum of 25% of each year's grant award (75% total) will be allocated, without duplication, to each of the following areas: prosecution, law enforcement, and victim services. Section 2002(c)(3). This requirement applies to States and does not apply to individual subrecipients. This requirement applies to Indian tribal governments to the extent they have law enforcement or prosecution.